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Basics of ISO 27001

You must be wondering what ISO 27001 stands for. The full name of ISO 27001 in fact is “ISO/IEC 27001” and the latest release of the standard is “ISO/IEC 27001:2013”.

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Here you go…

ISO stands for = International Organisation for Standardization.

IEC stands for = International Electrotechnical Commission.

27000 = A number generated by ISO for the specific use of Information Security Management System where it consists of 27001, 27002, 27003, 27004 …. (for more information Learn about the ISO27001 family via this blog).

2013 = the Year the latest release or revision of the standard

ISO 27001 is the de-facto international standard focusing on information security, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), in partnership with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

ISO 27001 Framework

ISO framework is a set of organizations Policies and Procedures used by the Organization to effectively achieve consistent quality excellence in areas in which your organisation wishes to excel at.

Specifically, ISO 27001 provides a framework to help your organizations, of any size or industry, in protecting your information assets by implementing an Organization-Wide Information Security Management System. This Information Security Management System will cover all end-points where Information is transmitted/ pass-through, kept and stored. This shall comprise all information critical to your organization in any format; whether it is Digital, Hardcopy or even your Intangible Assets such as Intellectual Properties.

Why does ISO 27001 matter to you?

High-Level Benefits of ISO 27001

You must be wondering why ISO 27001 is important to me.

  • Establish a proven Management System in place to address all Threats and Vulnerabilities on all Information Assets that exist in your organization.
  • Establish an auditable system in the event of a Security Breach
  • Establish a Cost-Effective and proven Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery strategy and executable plan for your organization. So that you will have peace of mind knowing that your customer-facing systems and functions can be recovered within the shortest time possible.
  • Ensure your most critical information does not fall in the hands of the wrong parties.

ISO 27001 Build Confidence with Stakeholders and Partners

Not only does the standard provide you peace of mind, but certifying to ISO 27001 also proves to your stakeholders and customers that your organization is serious about avoidance of data leakage and that their information is safeguarded.

ISO 27001 Reduce Regulatory Compliance Cost

ISO 27001 is a standard recognized globally, increasing business opportunities for organizations and professionals. It also significantly reduces the cost of Regulatory Compliance imposed by the Regulatory Bodies and your Partners or Customers.

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