FREE ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist

ISO 27001 – Information Security, ISO Standards FREE ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist June 10, 2023 ISO 27001 Gap Assessment and ISO 27001 Checklist has been the top trending Google Keywords Search relating to ISO 27001. Many are interested in this topic. In this blog, I shall walk you through in detail to help you plan and conduct your ISO 27001 Gap Assessment. At the end of this blog, I have included a FREE ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist for download. This checklist will springboard your ISO 27001 Certification Journey and save you time and resources. To understand the entire ISO 27001 Certification Roadmap or Journey, please read my other blog titled “ISO 27001 Certification | Malaysia“: ISO 27001 Certification Why ISO 27001 Gap Assessment? Starting your ISO 27001 journey by getting to know where you are towards your target. I always use this analogy; a map with a destination is only useful by first knowing where you are. Therefore, you first need to find out where you are on the map before you can chart your journey towards your destination. By doing an ISO 27001 Gap Assessment, you will find answers to these questions: Where you are (Your Organization’s as-is status) How far is your journey (How big is the Gap) Based on the journey (Gap), What are the resources needed to get there (budget, technology, people & time) This will mark the beginning of your journey by plotting the milestones, time, and resources you need to go through to obtain your ISO 27001 certification. Tips: If you are in the midst of compliance with Regulatory Bodies, the Gap Assessment Report and Roadmap are among the key documents to demonstrate commitment to compliance and certification to ISO 27001.At times, a conditional approval may be granted with these commitments you presented to the Regulatory Bodies. Prepare for ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Forming your Information Security Management System Committee at this juncture is crucial. By forming this ISMS committee, you shall achieve the following benefits: Management commitment to appoint resources to the ISO 27001 journey. Give man-date to the ISMS committee to carry on Information Security related activities. Ensuring each pillar under the ISO 27001 areas and controls has been taken care of. Set clear directions and points of reference for Information Security related matters across your Organization. Prepare ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Prepare for ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Select and define the scope of ISO 27001 certification Appoint ISO 27001 Gap Assessor Identify ISO 27001 Assessment Respondents Prepare ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Schedule Issue ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Notice (at least 2 weeks in advance) Obtain Commitment from Respondents on Gap Assessment Date Conduct ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Take Gap Assessment notes Prepare ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Report Present findings of the ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Report Tip 1: Appointing an experienced ISO 27001 Gap Assessor is critical. The ISO 27001 Gap Assessor shall be fluent and must have experience in the interpretation and implementation of the ISO 27001 Requirements, Clauses and Controls.Tip 2: During the ISO 27001 Gap Assessment session, your ISO 27001 Gap respondents may act defensive; the ISO 27001 Gap Assessor’s skills in tackling resistance by sharing real-life risks and practical implementation of ISO 27001 Security Controls are critical to obtaining the respondents’ buy-in.Tip 3: During the Gap Assessment, Gap Assessment Correspondents should consist of the top most Experience representatives from respective Departments of your Organization.Tip 4: Besides assessing documented Policies and Procedures, ISO 27001 Gap Assessor shall also assess existing practices that may not have been documented to check for compliance. If the practice meets the requirements of the ISO 27001 controls, the particular area may score partial compliance and will make a significant impact on the entire ISO 27001 certification journey. FREE ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist To help you jump-start your ISO 27001 journey, I have included here a Free ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist. This ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist included the complete key Questions you should ask on each of the ISO 27001 Clauses and Controls. The ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist can be transformed into your ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Report. It includes a graphical representation of your overall ISO 27001 Compliance. Download Stay Up To Date Stay updated on the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in quality management and information security. Linkedin Facebook ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards FREE ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards ISO 27001 Documentation ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards ISO 27001 Certification ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards Basics of ISO 27001
ISO 27001 Documentation

ISO 27001 – Information Security, ISO Standards ISO 27001 Documentation June 10, 2023 ISO 27001 Documentation and templates have been the top keywords searched in Google regarding ISO 27001 and Information Security Management System. You may be one of them by landing on this page. At the end of this blog, I’ve included a FREE Download title: “ISO 27001 Documentation” that will save you a lot of time and money. Continue reading to find out more… In this blog, I shall share with you the mandatory ISO 27001 Documentation and ISO 27001 Template for you to kick-start your ISO 27001 certification journey (Read also: ISO 27001 Certification Roadmap) Before that, let me explain to you the framework of ISO 27001 Documentation Hierarchy by first explaining the critical differences between ISO Standards, Policies, Procedures, Work Instructions and Records. ISO Standards Document VS Policies VS Procedures VS Work Instructions VS Records Many are still unclear about the definition and differences between ISO Standard, Organisation Policies, Organisation Procedures and Organisation Work Instructions and Records. Many have used this interchangeably, believing it is the same. Let me break this down using a layman’s explanation of the process of “Getting to Work On Time“: The ISO 27001 Standard A standard is a global best practice or regulatory compliance standard of which you choose or are required to comply with. In this instance, Organisation can refer to The “Malaysian Employment Law” as the “Standard”, which states that the Maximum Working Hours are 45 hours per week, with a maximum of 8 working hours per day and six working days per week. As long as organizations in Malaysia adhere to this standard is fine. How each Organisation sets their working hours would depend on the nature of work. For example, a Call Center would set their working hours around the clock having 2 – 3 shifts; the guiding principle is as long as each shift falls within the “Malaysia Employment Law” is fine. The same goes for the ISO 27001 standard, which is the guiding principle of designing and developing your Organisation’s Information Security Management System (ISMS). ISO 27001 Documentation: Organisation Policies Following the Standard stated above, Organisation policies are set at the highest level, which states the boundaries to which every employee in the company should adhere to. Failing to comply with the Organisation’s Policies, employees are subjected to disciplinary actions. In this instance of “Getting to Work on Time”. The Organisation Policy is: Working Hours 9 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday. ISO 27001 Documentation: Organisation Procedures Since Organisation Policies do not provide details on processes, organization procedures are established to detail the processes that will get you to meet the Organisation’s Policies. In this instance, to get you to work by 9 a.m. Tips: Organisation Procedures should be improvised from time to time. Process KPIs or Metrics should be defined in line with Organisation Policies. This shall provide you with a Bird’s-eye view of the effectiveness of the Procedures in meeting your Organisation’s Policy. ISO 27001 Documentation: Organisation Work Instructions Work Instructions are Step by step Instructions that act as “Dummy Guides” to take you through steps involved in a procedure. Let’s take the example of the process of “Take a Bus at 8.10a.m”; The relevant Work instructions would be Work Instructions on “Which bus stop should you wait at”, “what Busses Numbers will get you to your destination”, “what payment method is accepted on the bus” and other instructions with the intention of reducing the chances of error thus ensuring compliance to the Organisation Procedures. Tips: Work Instructions are not mandatory for all Process in your procedures, develop only work instructions base on lessons you learnt where errors and non-compliances occur. ISO 27001 Documentation: Organisation Records Organization records serve as the audit evidence of you conducting and performing the particular process according to your Organisation’s Procedures. Using the same example of procedure “Taking a bus at 8.10.m.”, the bus ticket is your record and evidence to prove that you had taken the correct bus at a time earlier than 8.10 a.m. If you are late to work due to the breakdown of the bus, the bus ticket becomes part of the record and evidence to justify whether or not the steps you took complied with the Procedure. Tips: Organisation records can be replaced with Digital WorkFlow Systems where digital records and logs of the systems are treated as records. Records retention policy shall be set, in Malaysia, Records Retention should be at least 7 years. ISO 27001 Hierarchy of Documentation List of Mandatory ISO 27001 Documentation I have included here a comprehensive list of ISO 27001 Mandatory Documentation to assist you in the beginning or completing your ISO 27001 Certification Journey. Read also my other blog Titled: ISO 27001 Certification Roadmap FREE DOWNLOAD: “List of ISO 27001 Mandatory Documentation and Requirements” Download Stay Up To Date Stay updated on the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in quality management and information security. Linkedin Facebook ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards FREE ISO 27001 Gap Assessment Checklist ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards ISO 27001 Documentation ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards ISO 27001 Certification ISO 27001 – Information Security | ISO Standards Basics of ISO 27001
ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001 – Information Security, ISO Standards ISO 27001 Certification Roadmap June 10, 2023 The first question that may come to your mind when you come to know about ISO 27001 might be, “How do I get there?”. In this blog, I will explain the ISO 27001 Certification Roadmap from my experience consulting more than a few dozen of ISO27001 projects in Malaysia and abroad. I would categorise the ISO 27001 certification roadmap into 7 Phases based on our 7E lifecycle model. Phase 1: Explore- ISO 27001 Compliance in Your Organisation ISO 27001 Self-Assessment In this Explore phase, you must understand where your organization stands in compliance with ISO 27001 standards. You can achieve this by going through a compliance checklist. I have included a sample ISO 27001 Self-Assessment Checklist for your immediate action. Forming your ISO 27001 Information Security Steering Committee Remember, you shouldn’t do this alone. It would help if you started forming an ISO 27001 Information Security Steering Committee comprised of representatives from: IT Department, Human Resource Department, Physical Security and Administration Department, Finance Department, Supply Chain Management or Procurement Department. Tips: The Best Ambassador for ISO 27001 & Information Security is yourself and your Founder, CEO and Top Leader . Appoint this credible and experienced personnel to your ISO 27001 Steering Committee. It creates a lasting impact and increases the success rates of ISO 27001 certification by multi-fold. Phase 2: Educate- ISO 27001 Awareness ISO 27001 Awareness Training Awareness is the most critical component of the ISO 27001 management system. Therefore, Phase 2 is Educate to provide awareness training to your Information Security Steering Committee and your employees about the ISO 27001 framework and get everyone to understand why your organization is going for ISO 27001 certification and, most importantly, what roles every one of them is playing in the ISO 27001 certification roadmap.. A yearly Refresher ISO 27001 Awareness training given to the entire organization is a mandatory activity. Tips: Employees’ buy-in is most critical in this phase. It is not wise to give the wrong impression to your employee that your ISO 27001 journey is only for compliance’s sake or marketing purposes. The last you should mention is ISO 27001 certification to get more sales or to fulfill the requirements of tenders. Phase 3: Establish- ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures Establishing ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures is the phase where it will take most of the time in the ISO 27001 Roadmap. Typically spans between 1 – 3 months depending on the scope of ISO 27001 certification. Scope of ISO 27001 Certification Defining the Scope of the ISO 27001 certification plays a significant role in ensuring your ISO 27001 Certification is successful. Why is it so? In short, the scope of ISO 27001 certification determines the areas, functions or departments covered during the ISO 27001 Certification Audits. In other words, the bigger the scope of the ISO 27001 Certification, the wider the areas of Certification Audit that will be carried out on your Organisation. Tips: Always consider going first for the Most Critical Functions of your organisation where Information resides. Avoid going for the “big-bang approach”. ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures Depending on the Scope of Certification and the result of the Gap Assessment, you must start developing the mandatory ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures to prepare for the next phase, Execute. All ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures must be “baselined” or “approved” for implementation by the Information Security Steering Committee. Tips: I recommend your organization consider hiring an experienced ISO 27001 consultant to carry out this phase of activities, as it involves many hours of documentation development. It is value for money not to burn out your Leaders in your Department on this mundane work. Furthermore, an experienced ISO 27001 consultant would be able to impart their latest professional advice based on their years of experience in tackling compliance with the ISO 27001 standard most realistically and cost-effectively. Phase 4: Execute- ISO 27001. Do what you’ve written Executing or implementing ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures ensures all Stakeholders, your Employees, Vendors, Partners, and customers comply with the new ISO 27001 policies and procedures your organization has approved. ISO 27001 Implementation Evidence and Records This Execute Phase shall take approximately 2-3 months to ensure that evidence and records of ISO 27001 implementation have occurred in your organization. These ISO 27001 implementation evidence and records are crucial to proving your stakeholders are practicing and complying with your Organisation’s ISO 27001 Policies and Procedures. ISO 27001 Measurements & KPIs Measurements or Process KPIs should be set for ISO 27001 critical Policies and Procedures. These measurements and KPIs will give you a bird’s-eye view of the overall performance and effectiveness of the ISO 27001 implementation in your Organisation. Tips: No Policies and Procedures should be written on the rock, meaning Policies and Procedures should be flexible enough to undergo improvements during this period.Tips: Accredited Certification Auditors prefer to see improvements during this phase. Any Documents in Version 1.0 means no progress has been made throughout the ISO 27001 certification journey. Phase 5: Ensure- ISO 27001 Compliance To ensure compliance with the ISO 27001 standard, your Organisation must train a pool of Internal Auditors to ensure the sustainability of the ISO 27001 Certification to reduce dependencies on external consultants. ISO 27001 Internal Audit Training The identified Internal Auditors shall undergo formal Internal Audit Training provided by an experienced and certified ISO 27001 Lead Auditor (internal or external trainer). Internal Auditors must complete the internal Audit training, and the certificate of completion should be retained for ISO 27001 Certification Audit purposes. ISO 27001 Internal Audit The ISO27001 Internal Auditors and the ISO 27001 consultant, shall conduct a complete ISO 27001 Internal Audit. All ISO 27001 Internal Audit Records shall be kept and reported to closure. *In my coming blog, I shall write in detail about the mandatory ISO 27001 Internal Audit Process. ISO 27001 Management Review Meeting ISO 27001 Management Review Meeting is a meeting conducted at least
Basics of ISO 27001

Uncategorized Basics of ISO 27001 June 10, 2023 You must be wondering what ISO 27001 stands for. The full name of ISO 27001 in fact is “ISO/IEC 27001” and the latest release of the standard is “ISO/IEC 27001:2013”. Continue to find out more… Here you go… ISO stands for = International Organisation for Standardization. IEC stands for = International Electrotechnical Commission. 27000 = A number generated by ISO for the specific use of Information Security Management System where it consists of 27001, 27002, 27003, 27004 …. (for more information Learn about the ISO27001 family via this blog). 2013 = the Year the latest release or revision of the standard ISO 27001 is the de-facto international standard focusing on information security, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), in partnership with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ISO 27001 Framework ISO framework is a set of organizations Policies and Procedures used by the Organization to effectively achieve consistent quality excellence in areas in which your organisation wishes to excel at. Specifically, ISO 27001 provides a framework to help your organizations, of any size or industry, in protecting your information assets by implementing an Organization-Wide Information Security Management System. This Information Security Management System will cover all end-points where Information is transmitted/ pass-through, kept and stored. This shall comprise all information critical to your organization in any format; whether it is Digital, Hardcopy or even your Intangible Assets such as Intellectual Properties. Why does ISO 27001 matter to you? High-Level Benefits of ISO 27001 You must be wondering why ISO 27001 is important to me. Establish a proven Management System in place to address all Threats and Vulnerabilities on all Information Assets that exist in your organization. Establish an auditable system in the event of a Security Breach Establish a Cost-Effective and proven Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery strategy and executable plan for your organization. So that you will have peace of mind knowing that your customer-facing systems and functions can be recovered within the shortest time possible. Ensure your most critical information does not fall in the hands of the wrong parties. ISO 27001 Build Confidence with Stakeholders and Partners Not only does the standard provide you peace of mind, but certifying to ISO 27001 also proves to your stakeholders and customers that your organization is serious about avoidance of data leakage and that their information is safeguarded. ISO 27001 Reduce Regulatory Compliance Cost ISO 27001 is a standard recognized globally, increasing business opportunities for organizations and professionals. It also significantly reduces the cost of Regulatory Compliance imposed by the Regulatory Bodies and your Partners or Customers. Stay Up To Date Stay updated on the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in quality management and information security. Uncategorized ISO 27001 Certification Malaysia Uncategorized Basics of ISO 27001