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About Energized Inc

ENERGIZED Inc. is a management consulting house specializing in quality and business process improvement for the IT and Digital-enabled Organizations and BPO industries. ENERGIZED pride itself on being able to customize solutions that resolve “Organization’s” most significant issues and create lasting competitive advantage.

Our consulting services include the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) product suite (CMMI for Development – DEV; Services – SVC; Acquisition – ACQ), Information Technology Service Management (ITSM – ISO 20000), Information Security Management System (ISMS – ISO 27001), IT Corporate Governance (ISO 38500 / CoBIT), Balance Scorecard (BSC), Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR), Six Sigma, OSHAS, QMS, EMS etc.

Certified MOF Malaysia Registered Company

Meet The Team

​We’d like to introduce you to some of the people who makes it all happen.

Shahril Saad

Associate Partner

Our Clientele